Supporting You

If you're interested in teaching online but you're not sure what to do, I'm here to support you. I can answer your questions and help you through the application process from your initial sign-up through to your first class, I'll be your mentor and help you succeed just like I'm doing.

When I first came across this I was uncertain. My dad asked me if it was a scam or if they wanted money from me to sign up. So I did my research and connected with a mentor (like how I will be for you) and they reassured me that it was a legitimate opportunity, showed me credible research, and helped me through the process.

I found out that it is totally free to sign up, so I did. There is no cost, no fees, no obligations, no strings attached. If you start the hiring process and change your mind, you can stop any time.

That said, it's important for you to understand that the application process takes work and you need to have certain skills and education - but if you're willing to try, you'll have nothing to lose (except a bit of time) and lots to gain ($15-22 US per hour) teaching from home on your schedule, plus the joy of teaching kids English.

I'll be honest, if you sign up I do get a small bonus paid by the company (not you), but it's more about me sharing my success with you and helping others make money during these tough times doing what they love also - teaching kids.

If you're ready to start now, click here to begin your hiring process

If you're not ready but want to learn more, please contact me to learn more.

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